
           Both elderly people and babies love costumes. And people get a kick out of watching elderly people and babies in costumes. Why is this? Maybe it is because they do such a great job really becoming their costume. Have you ever seen an elderly person in a ladybug costume? You might have, without knowing it. Elderly people are very good at looking really realistic in their costumes--you may have seen an old woman in a ladybug costume, but just walked right by because you thought it was a real ladybug. This may have also happened to you with a flower. What you don't know is, many of the "flowers" that you see in your daily lives are not actually flowers, but they are old men dressed as flowers. It just goes to show how many little details people fail to acknowledge in life.
          Below are a couple of pictures showing elderly people and babies in matching costumes. As I said before, be careful about what you notice. This applies especially to the bat costume--at first glance, you will probably think that is a picture of two real bats. Closer examination, however, will reveal that those are not indeed two real bats, but an elderly person and a baby dressed as a bat. It plays with your mind a little, but you will get the hang of it.









Which costume was your favorite? Were there any that you were having trouble telling apart from the real thing? If you could have your own personal old man for a day, would you dress him up in a costume and bring him around town with you? If so, what costume would you dress him up in?


Unknown said...

IZZY!! This page is so cute!! I love how you took the time to find both an elderly person and a baby wearing the same Halloween costumes!! My favorite is the superman costume!! SO CUTE!! This was a very clever idea for a blog and I am very intrigued to keep reading all the other pages!! I also like the talking baby on the top of the screen!! SO FUNNY!! It never ceases to make me laugh!! Great work IZZY!!

Lori A. said...

How did you come up with this idea? I am crying-laughing right now! Very creative idea for sure!