Thursday, December 6, 2012

Senior Games

Who is to say that age can determine greatness. No one. No one is to say this. Because elderly people can achieve just as much greatness as any young entrepreneur, if not more—they just have to put their minds to it. If anything, elderly are the toughest of us all. They have endured experiences that we could not even imagine. They have had children, and watched their children have children, and been in wars, and maybe even had some surgery. Or maybe a lot of surgery, all over their body. No matter the amount of surgery they have had, they’ve been through a lot. But if they’ve had more surgery than usual, they have been through even more than the usual elderly person. And some of these guys have a lot of surgery.
The point is, just because elderly people might be a little wrinkled, we don’t all have to see them as weak and incapable. This is why, in San Antonio Texas, they hold the Senior Games every year to encourage and promote the fitness and healthy lifestyle of people in their old age. These games were first held in 1990 with 525 athletes participating, however last year, this number reached an all-time high of 1,200, who participate in over 24 individual sporting events—each athlete must participate in at least 3 events. Some events include:
·         Scrabble
·         Archery
·         Badminton
·         Bowling
·         Biking
·         Golf
·         Pickleball
·         Horseshoes
·         Road Races
·         Shuffleboard
·         Swimming
·         Table Tennis
·         Tennis
·         Triathalon
·         Volleyball
What are your feelings about these senior games? Would you, as a blogger, sign yourself up for the senior games when you become elderly? How do you feel about elderly people feeling victorious and successful?  

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Baby Animals

This world is full of conflict. It is full of argument, and war, and violence, and fighting. There is darkness, and sadness, and disagreement, and shame. But there is one thing that everyone can agree on—it forms friendships and relationships and brings lovers closer together. This thing starts with B and ends with aby Animals, yup you guessed it its Baby Animals.

There is this undeniable happiness that comes along with observing and interacting with baby animals, and it is contagious. There are books, posters, t-shirts, TV shows, stickers—society can’t get enough. Why are they so great? The answer to this can only be experienced; you have to see for yourself. There is something about their innocence and their adorable faces that makes people melt, melt straight into liquid. They just crawl around, and they don’t even make real noises, they just squeak and squeak. And people love it. They love the idea of little tiny furry things running around and squeaking, and it gives you a feeling that you really have to experience to understand. Look at the video below and tell me what you think—what is your favorite type of baby animal? If you could start a farm full of just baby animals, which kind would you choose?

Adorable Baby Animals That Will Make You Smile! by petwebdesigner

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Fun Facts about Both Babies and Elderly

Sure, you have already heard some good fun facts about both babies and elderly separately. But the question is, have you ever seen a mixture of both baby and elderly facts existing together in perfect harmony?  I will answer that question for you – no you haven’t.

Not until now you haven’t.

·         The smallest baby ever to survive is named Rumaisa Rahman, who weighed 8.6 ounces on September 19, 2004 when she was born. Rumaisa is currently a thriving young kid at 8 years old.

·         The oldest person in the recorded history of the world was Jeanne Calment, who was born in 1875 and died in 1997 – living to be 122 years and 164 days old.

·         The largest baby ever weighed 23 pounds and 12 ounces at birth, but unfortunately passed away 11 hours after he was born.

·         The oldest woman (and person) living is Besse Cooper, who was born in 1896 and is currently 116 years old.

·         The heaviest baby ever to survive weighed 22 pounds and 8 ounces, and was born in Italy in 1955.

·         The oldest man living is Jiroemon Kimura, born in 1897 and who is currently 115 years old.

·         The most babies given birth to at once is 9 (nontuplets) – but sadly none of the babies survived more than one day.

·         The tallest elderly person currently living measures 7 foot 1 inch, and resides in Thailand at age 86.

·         There have been multiple instances of all eight octuplet babies surviving and turning into somewhat healthy adults.

Do you guys have any fun baby/elderly facts that I should know about? How many babies would you have at once? Do you think it would be painful?

Monday, November 19, 2012

Hello and Welcome

              Hi everybody! My name is Izzy Parizeau and I was born at Newton-Wellesley Hospital! As a baby, my first word was Floong. Oh, how I miss being a baby. But oh, how I am looking forward to becoming elderly.

 When I was deciding what to blog about, I was torn between babies and elderly. Babies are just so great—no one can deny that when they see a baby on the street, they just want to take that baby and kidnap it from its family and just raise it on its own. However, because of moral standards, many people do not follow through with this initial kidnapping plan. But it is the pure innocence and beauty and giggly goodness of a baby that fascinates people. Have you ever seen a baby with pimples? Nope. Have you ever seen a baby plan an organized murder? Use a gun? Commit an act of terrorism? Sell drugs to small children? Become a corrupt government official? Nope and nope and nope and nope and nope. Well, hopefully not. However, if you have, do not hesitate to comment on this post and tell your story because that is something that I would love to hear about. But that is what is so great about babies. They can’t do anything wrong, they are just like little bundles of sunshine that float through the first years of their life effortlessly. And they laugh and they cry and they sleep but they never hurt anyone, they just make people smile.

 And then there’s the elderly, or as we will refer to them in this blog (just for convenience purposes) the elds. The elderly of our community is like the raisins in your salad. They are wrinkly yet flavorful. They add a sense of happiness to our lives, with their gentle personalities, positive attitudes, and appreciation for life. Even when they are grumpy they are adorable, and if you haven’t noticed, they are always baking things and helping out at their church. So, in conclusion, I chose to blog about both of these extraordinary topics. I hope you enjoy my insight into these two crucial groups of humanity, and feel free to share your opinions. Do you have any special babies or elderly in your life that are important to you? Any good birth stories? Any questions about the elds that keep you up at night? Do not hesitate to comment below.